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How do amputees avoid injuries?

How do amputees avoid injuries?

1. In the early stage of wearing prosthesis, you need to adapt to the prosthesis step by step.

A. Stand on the armrest first, feel the prosthesis, and gradually adapt to the prosthesis.

B. Gently let go of the armrest to stand and practice balance.

C. Walk slowly with the handrails in hand, practice using the strength of the hips to push the center of gravity and move the body.

D. Walk slowly with crutches.

E. Walking independently, you must pay attention to the strength of the hips and push the body forward.

2. Keep the residual limbs, silicone sleeves and socks clean and hygienic.

As much as possible, you can wash the residual limbs and silicone sleeves with warm water every day, and use the residual limb socks to replace the clean socks in time. Promote skin health of stumps, avoid local inflammation and allergies.

3. The blistering problem of the end of the residual limb and the suture:

In the early stage of wearing a prosthetic limb, the skin at the end was continuously stimulated by machinery, which was prone to blisters. But don't panic, the blisters need to be sterilized by the tools to be broken. After the wound is basically healed, continue to try to wear it. It is recommended to wear it for a while and remove it to observe the skin of the residual limb. After a period of time, the skin will automatically adapt to the mechanical stimulation, and it will not be easy to blisters.

For amputees wearing silicone sleeves, pay special attention to whether there is a residual gap between the silicone sleeve and the end of the residual limb, otherwise it will easily blisters when worn for a long time.

4. Improper receiving cavity, soft tissue contusion.

The prosthesis technician should adjust the receiving cavity to a more comfortable level, reasonably avoid sensitive parts, and avoid obvious pain or numbness. The traditional receiving cavity is usually based on the open sensitive position as the solution;

The silicone sleeve is in full contact with the receiving cavity, and the main solution is to add a soft cushion in the cavity;

5. Air suction at the end of the residual limb

Silicone sleeve users, sometimes because the silicone sleeve is not worn well, sometimes because of sweating, the silicone sleeve partially slips off, causing air at the end. In this case, if you walk for a long time, the air will suck the skin of the end of the residual limb, and the end skin will display purple and black, and the pressure will hurt. The position of the silicone sleeve should be adjusted in time. It is best to let the skin at the end of the residual limb rest for a day or two, wait for the color of the suction to subside, and then resume normal wear and walk.

6. Control of sweating.

It is normal for users with silicone sleeves to sweat a lot of stumps at the beginning. Sweating can easily cause a variety of discomforts and even cause injuries. Sweating can be suppressed to a certain extent.

In the early stage, the residual limb will continue to shrink, and it will be continuously replaced with a tight silicone sleeve, so that the residual limb will be sealed in the silicone sleeve for a long time. The amount of sweat will be greatly reduced. (If the silicone sleeve is always loose, this effect cannot be achieved.

In addition, the night before the large amount of exercise, you can use antiperspirant balls to reduce the sweating of the residual limbs the next day.

Summary: Adhere to a principle-when you feel that the residual limb is uncomfortable, stop in time to check the residual limb, adjust the wear in time, and try to avoid injury. I have also had blisters and air suction many times, but I have good sense of ability, and I stopped sports in time and recovered wounds in time.
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